Call of Duty 4 Cheats – Unlock All Ranks and Perks

Unlock everything easily!

Well someone was bound to do it…

The memory address that contains the CoD4 XP has been located, and you can now modify it, making leveling up a much faster and easier process. This means that you can easily get the Commander Rank within a few hours of buying the game, and you can unlock all perks and weapons.

The memory address needed is: CBF0E68

You can use a tool such as Tsearch to edit the value of that address (your XP), so that you’ll only need one XP to get to the new CoD 4 rank.

Here’s how: open Tsearch, start a new script, enter the memory address, then enter in the XP you would like. Keep in mind – you’ll want to back up your Call of Duty 4 profile just in case something goes wrong – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! They also give you tips on what not to do which can prevent you from losing all of your saved data.

More details: if you just want to quickly go up a level, take your current XP from the Rank screen in the multiplayer mode, then add the amount of XP you will need to go up a level. You’ll want to subtract one or two XP in order to make it easy to gain a level. Then, go online and kill someone, or get an assist – BAM! – instant level up, and possibly a new rank.

Overkill perk, here you come!

Seriously, though, I tested this method, and found it much more enjoyable to play through multiplayer the real way – it’s more of a challenge, and fun!

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  1. dartanian Thanks for the codes i was looking for them all over the PLace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Can anyone give me a 48hr gold membership for xbox 360? plz my gamertag is TGXSoul Killaz send the code to me if i can have it PLZ!!!!! Im in major need for it plz i beg you and ill give you any help on any shooter games army of two i am pro will play co-op with you. PLZZZZZZ!!!

  3. My Xbox 360 gamer tag is TGxSoul Killaz And i need some help, does any1 got a 48hr membership i can have? send msg to my GT and also i love this cheat it works very good, dont worry bout what these non belivers think it trully does work… and Thanks again.

  4. look if u dont want to get caught just make a new account and then max THAT one. it wont matter anyway, ill still wipe the floor with you =)

  5. peanut butter jelly time!!! way at way at way at way at dego dego dego dego peanutbutterjellly peanutbutterjelly peanutbutterjelllywithabaseballbat

  6. Works like fuck, its soo good, i lost my old profile i got to lvl 36 and had to reboot, i had no idea that the profile was stored on hard drive, i’ve also edited the kills deaths and points if any1 wants the CT

  7. do u need to close tsearch after u do this step and go kill one person? because punk buster kicks you out

  8. No u dont need to close tsearch as u will need to use it to unlock more.

    My question is, is there any way to unlock attachments? e.g, red dot scope without actually getting the challenges done? Please let me know if there is a way. I had to reformat my computer due to a bad trojan, and lost all my stats, for all those people who talk shit without thinking before posting a comment.

  9. *Weapon Challenges*


    M16 Marksman: CC199B0
    M16 Expert: CC199B4
    AK47 Marksman: CC199B8
    AK47 Expert: CC199BC
    G3 Marksman: CC199C0
    G3 Expert: CC199C4
    M4 Marksman: CC199C8
    M4 Expert: CC199CC
    M14 Marksman: CC199D0
    M14 Expert: CC199D4
    G36c Marksman: CC199D8
    G36c Expert: CC199DC
    MP44 Expert: CC199E0

    MP5 Marksman: CC19A00
    MP5 Expert: CC19A04
    Skorpion Marksman: CC19A08
    Skorpion Expert: CC19A0C
    Mini-Uzi Marksman: CC19A10
    Mini-Uzi Expert: CC19A14
    AK74-u Marksman: CC19A18
    AK74-u Expert: CC19A1C
    P90 Marksman: CC19A20
    P90 Expert: CC19A24

    M249 SAW Marksman: CC19A50
    M249 SAW Expert: CC19A54
    RPD Marksman: CC19A58
    RPD Expert: CC19A5C
    M60E4 Marksman: CC19A60
    M60E4 Expert: CC19A64


    W1200 Marksman: CC19AA0
    W1200 Expert: CC19AA4
    M1014 Marksman: CC19AA8
    M1014 Expert: CC19AAC

    M40A3 Marksman: CC19AF8
    M40A3 Expert: CC19AFC
    M21 Marksman: CC19AF0
    M21 Expert: CC19AF4
    Dragunov Marksman: CC19B00
    Dragunov Expert: CC19B04
    R700 Marksman: CC19B08
    R700 Expert: CC19B0C
    Barret.50 Cal Marksman: CC19B10
    Barret.50 Cal Expert: CC19B14
    *Non-Weapon Challenges*

    *Boot Camp*

    Radar Inbound: CC19B40
    Airstrike Inbound: CC19B44
    Chopper Inbound: CC19B48
    Flyswatter: CC19B4C
    Marathon: CC19B50
    Marathon: *You need sprint 26 miles. But, the value unit isn’t mile. 26 miles: 1661220 (Unknown unit./I think, the value unit is your foot steps.) So, you must type: 1661219

    Goodbye: CC19B54
    Base Jump: CC19B58
    Crouch Shot: CC19B5C
    Prone Shot: CC19B60
    Grenade Kill: CC19B64
    Point Guard: CC19B68
    X-Ray Vision: CC19B6C
    Vandalism: CC19B70
    Exposed: CC19B74
    Backdraft: CC19B78
    Knife Veteran: CC19B7C

    Free-for-all Victor: CC19B90
    Team Player: CC19B94
    Search And Destroy Victor: CC19B98
    MVP Team Deathmatch: CC19B9C
    Hardcore Team Player: CC19BA0
    Sabotage Victor: CC19BA4
    MVP Team Hardcore: CC19BA8
    Bomb Down: CC19BAC
    Bomb Defender: CC19BB0
    Bomb Planter: CC19BB4
    Hero: CC19BB8
    Last Man Standing: CC19BBC

    Claymore Shot: CC19BE0
    Assault Expert: CC19BE4
    SMG Expert: CC19BE8
    LMG Expert: CC19BEC
    Last Stand Veteran: CC19BF0
    Master Chef: CC19BF4
    Airstrike Veteran: CC19BF8
    Chopper Veteran: CC19BFC
    Stun Veteran: CC19C00
    Multi-RPG: CC19C04
    Martyrdom Veteran: CC19C08
    Clay More: CC19C0C
    Stealth: CC19C10
    Invisible: CC19C14
    Counter-Claymore: CC19C18
    Counter-C4: CC19C1C

    Airborne: CC19C30
    Multi-frag: CC19C34
    Carpet Bomb: CC19C38
    MG Master: CC19C3C
    Slasher: CC19C40
    Multi-C4: CC19C44
    Hot Potato: CC19C48
    Car Bomb: CC19C4C
    Backstabber: CC19C50
    Slow But Sure: CC19C54
    Flashbang Veteran: CC19C58
    Misery Loves Company: CC19C5C
    Ouch: CC19C60
    Rival: CC19C64
    Cruelty: CC19C68
    Think Fast: CC19C6C
    Think Fast Stun: CC19C70
    Think Fast Flash: CC19C74
    Return To Sender: CC19C78
    Blindfire: CC19C7C


    The Brink: CC19C80
    Collateral Damage: CC19C84
    The Edge: CC19C88
    Flawless: CC19C8C
    Tango Down: CC19C90
    Hard Landing: CC19C94
    Extreme Cruelty: CC19C98
    Fast Swap: CC19C9C
    Star Player: CC19CA0
    How the ?: CC19CA4
    Dominos: CC19CA8
    No Secrets: CC19CAC
    Afterburner: CC19CB0
    Air Superiority: CC19CB4
    Fearless: CC19CB8
    Counter-MVP: CC19CBC
    Invincible: CC19CC0
    Survivalist: CC19CC4

  10. How do you unlock the Perks/Gun Attachments/Gun Color Options?

    I know the codes are up there but how do you input it? Pls help.

    The Experience thing works like a charm, thanks for the Guide several posts above.

    Now Only if there was a guide to unlock Perks/Gun Attachments/Gun Color Options….. Halp me plx.

  11. wtf would u wanna cheat. If u cheat it ruins it 4 all the other serious people who wanna play fair. Kinda selfish neh?

  12. hey guys whenever i connect to the game its shows keycode already in use….i dont know what i am supposed to do somebody help me please

  13. I wrote a small application which can be used to unlock every weapon and perk, as well as change your amount of EXP. It currently only supports v1.6. In case anyone is interested, check out the Call of Duty section at

  14. it’s not the weopons or perks u have, it’s the person playing the game, if u cheat your way up u have acheived nothing other than becoming a FUCKING GAY RETARD


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  15. HAHAHAH I love how someone took the time to draw “the bird”

    i can honestly say that I’ve never cheated in COD4, and when I play someone that cheats, its just another challenge to my skills. Its annoying most of the time, but sometimes I still beat them. Yeah I’m that good.


  16. wow…u fucking morons…just go ahead and use it….u like this nerd from my school….he uses cheats, cheats, cheats, cheats! learnd toplay…i can whoop all ur asses with any crappy pistol with 3 bullets left in it!

    -.- bastards

  17. I find it completely stupid how people complain about others “cheating” their way to the highest rank; it does not give them any extra advantages that they shouldn’t have. It’s not like they are using wallhacks or aimbots. When I play an FPS, I don’t want to have to unlock my weapons. I will be updating my rank hack to work with CoD4 v1.7. It can be found at:

    If anyone of you try it, please give feedback. Thanks.

  18. You are not alone, somebody lost their level after reformat or anyone problems. Is recovering your rank more stupid than cheating ? I don’t find.

  19. u r comment make me so confuse…..
    I don’t know must I make a cheat or not……..
    I think your cheat just for beginner people coz it’s too dangerous
    for all my friend, even you can’t do that…calm down, there’s no short cut for full satisfied…..
    just CONGATULATION for all my friend even you can do that


  20. Hey i have a question for u ALL PEOPLE that doesn’t cheat. Why u even here reading this page then??

  21. DUDE,



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