CONTEST – Call of Duty: World at War Beta Code

OK here goes,

I have a Call of Duty: WaW beta code that I don’t need.

I’m going to do a random draw from the first 25 responses, then give it away!

So far, the beta is awesome. This isn’t CoD4, but pretty darn good just the same.

Call of Duty: World at War Beta

Just so you guys know I’m not pulling your legs, here’s a pic of the email I got, as well as the text from the email:

Xbox 360 Multiplayer Code!

Thank you for registering on and welcome to the Call of Duty: World at War Xbox 360â„¢ Multiplayer Beta*!

Here is your unique Xbox 360 multiplayer code:

In order to participate in the Xbox 360 Demo:

1. Receive your Xbox Live® Marketplace Token (above) and write it down.
You will not be able to download the Beta without it
2. Use your laptop for gaming to log into Xbox Live with your gamer profile
3. Access Xbox Live Marketplace through the Xbox 360â„¢ Dashboard
4. Click Redeem Code
5. Enter your Xbox Live Marketplace Token when prompted
6. Start the download
7. Join the fight!

Download the instruction manual (432 kb PDF).

And remember, we want to hear from you! Please come back to and give us your feedback, what you like and what you’d change to make Call of Duty: World at War the best experience possible!

* The PC Beta is coming up next! Stay close to and check your email for details soon to come!

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  1. Hey, I Pre-Orderd COD5 about 2 weeks ago and Gamestop didn’t give me a beta code. I would be so happy if i got this code.

    Thanks for listning!

  2. yes please, iv tried getting it for ages and i cant and iv even preoredered it and it hasnt given it to me!!

  3. i would really like this please i preordered it at block buster but they dont have the beta so im still stuck playing cod 4

  4. i would really like this please i preordered it at block buster but they dont have the beta so im still stuck playing cod 4 thanks

  5. i eed this or i will be a laughing stock in my class because everyone has one except me i need this badly please I also only have one game so i need more please let me have the beta.

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