Unreal Tweaker 3.5 Released – Make UT3 Faster!

Download Unreal Tweaker 3.5

EDIT: The source site appears to be down right now, but you can download UT3Tweaker 3.5 from Blandname!

Release notes:

Enhanced Graphics controls
Greater Control over the graphics tweaks has been added, allowing you to tick to enable or disable individual settings which are relevant to the Graphics.

Whats the point of trying to tweak if you do not understand what the values mean? we at Biopaparat appreciate it can be a little daunting at first, which is why we have included a Glossary to explain what the graphics tweaks do.

World Detail slider bar decreasing no more!
We found the bug which was causing the world detail bar to decrease in game. this has now been ammended so please feel free to apply “Max Graphics settings” without effecting the World Detail.

The Application also detects your current settings.
somthing of which was causing confusion in version 3.0. before you would make changes, save them and close the program, and when you relaunched the application, they would no loinger be ticked, even though the changes were still applied. With the release of Version 3.5 it will detect all of your settings, including the colour of your crosshairs for example, and adjust the GUI of the application accordingly

Unreal Tournament 3 DVD Key Code Changer

If, for some reason, you need to change your Unreal Tournament 3 (III) serial number, I have an easy way to do it.

Here goes:

Browse to the Unreal Engine configuration file found at: C:\Users\YOUR_USER\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Config\UTEngine.ini

Open the file, and near the end you will see this header:


Beneath the header lies your key, in encrypted format.

Remove the line that contains the key (in my case: EncryptedProductKey=001000000000208140157etc).

Restart Unreal Tournament III, and it will ask you for your key.

Enter your key again, and presto! You have changed your UT3 cdkey.

Speedup UT3 Load Times – Remove Videos

An easy way to tweak UT3 is by using the Unreal Tournament III Tweaker

Here are the release notes for version three (linked for download above):

B3.0 – obbing disable/enable
Stop your weapon bouncing around

3.0 – Center your aim
be default the aim is slightly off to the right or left depending on if your right or left handed. now you will hit bang in the middle

3.0 – Control blood level and gore
increase or decrease the amount of blood and gore in game

3.0 – replace videos
for whatever reason.. yu can now restore the videos

3.0 – Comprehensive backup system
Backs up all of the ini files one by one or all at the same time. same applies to restoring them

3.0 – Strong Language control
Disable Profanity

3.0 – FSAA
FSAA is available for users who have vista, and an nvidea card with compatible drivers

3.0 – Max Graphics settings completely reworked
many new graphics tweaks added to this version of UT3 Tweaker

3.0 – Best performance settings
Ideal if you have an older system. this turns down the eye candy so your system doesnt come to a grinding halt

2.1 – 5 new crosshair colours added
– with a picture preview

2.1 – The ability to reset the resource directory

install or uninstall
The application has been built into an installer. you can choose if you would like an icon placed on your desktop, and it can be uninstalled from either your programs menu from start, or from add and remove programs from control panel.

no longer do you have to select the ini files.
the application will detect your directory and ask you to confirm that it is right, and store it. that way if you use the program in the future, you wont have to do it again.

Better backup/restore
with this application advancing on to other ini files, you can now select which files to backup, and which ones to restore independantly. the backup wizard will run on its first use, and you can run it at anytime from the menu.

Crosshairs Tweaked
The ability to change your crosshair between the default white and green. more colours will be added to future releases

Change the language of the game
now you can change the language of the game to either

The forever lasting movies
At a click of a button you can remove the videos which play at the start of the game

Graphics Tweaker
Get the eye candy your after. providing you have a tidy graphics card, it’l give you the textures youve been waiting for

This Image Was Automatically Resized by using the Screenshot Tag.  Click to view the full version

before and after the graphics tweak

This Image Was Automatically Resized by using the Screenshot Tag.  Click to view the full version

This Image Was Automatically Resized by using the Screenshot Tag.  Click to view the full version

++++++++++++ Version in development. ++++++++++++++

many new features to follow:

mouse sensitivity and speed
screen resolutions
unlock all characters
Toolkit for troubleshooting crashing games
Graphics card specific tweaks

CoD4 Walkthrough Part 4: Blackout

Kill the two soldiers standing guard outside the house, as well as the two within. Use the silenced M4 so they don’t hear you coming. Grab the laptop inside to secure a piece of intelligence (3/30). Follow your team and clear the next grouping of houses. Follow Price into a house and exit into an open field for a rendezvous with Russian troops. Follow your team up the hill and get ready to make use of your sniper rifle. Help out where you can, but kill the machine gunners when ordered. Follow Kamarov through a building and back outside. Take cover in the building from the troops charging down the hill. Make a run up the hill when you don’t see any more approaching and then help the Russians take the town by sniping enemy troops from your high vantage point. Continue up the hill to the power station. Rappel down the cliffside and jump over the wall. Head into the village through the open garage and take cover behind the desk to kill the three soldiers that exit through the doorway. Jump out the window and go up the hill to the marked house. Equip your nightvision while you wait for Price to take point. Go through the house eliminating the soldiers guarding the informant. Go upstairs and clear all the rooms, including a bathroom on the second floor which contains another piece of intelligence (4/30). A good habit to form is to throw a flashbang into a room before you rush in, it could save your life. Follow the team outside to escort the informant to the waiting helicopter.

CoD4 Walkthrough Part 3: The Coup

You’ll assume another person’s body for a ride in a car through a city. Watch the chaos on the streets with your almost 200 degree field of movement. I don’t know about you, but I get the feeling something bad is going to happen to you…

CoD4 Walkthrough Part 2: Crew Expendable

After the loading screen, you’ll be in a helicopter ready to board thefreighter. Kill the enemies in the bridge. Follow your team through the corridors, nabbing the laptop intelligence (1/30) from the crew quarters. Exit back onto the deck, and go down the stairs in front of you to follow your team towards the aft of the ship. The helicopter will kill the enemies shooting at you from the windows above and then report bingo fuel and return to base. Follow Price and the rest of the team through the watertight door, being sure to sweep both the left and right fire lanes. Head down the stairs and around the corner your team will come under fire from enemies down a hallway. Kill them and proceed to the red-lit area. Wait for a teammate to throw a flashbang into the area before heading through the door and killing two more crewmembers. Go up the short flight of stairs and kill the crewmember who appears from the right. Follow your team through the stacks of boxes to another door, which Price kicks in. As you go down the stairs, pick up laptop #2 from a table at the foot of the stairs (2/30). Move with your team, eliminating crewmembers on the catwalks above as well as ones hiding among the boxes. Flush them out with frag grenades and eventually you’ll clear the area. Proceed towards the blue cargo container. Grab the manifest (its the flashing clipboard) resting on top of the crate within, and prepare for all hell to break loose. Follow your team up the stairs to the catwalks, and don’t get left behind! Once on the deck, make a jump for the hovering helicopter.

CoD4 Walkthrough Part 1: Training

This is a tutorial level, like all Call of Duty games start. Pick up the rifle and proceed to the firing range. Shoot the targets as directed. CoD now features bullet velocity so you can shoot through certain types of materials to hit the enemy taking cover behind. Go back to the armory and pick up your pistol. Knife the watermelon and head outside. If you’re ever lost, hit escape and a mini-map should give you an overhead view of the surrounding area. You’ll pass a fuel tanker on the right, and then go through the hangar doors to join your team. You’ll receive new orders from Captain Price. Climb the ladder to an observation post. While he gives you new orders, take a look at the area below. You’ll proceed from checkpoint 1 to checkpoint 4. It can get a little confusing while clearing the area so I’ll try to give as best a description as I can. Climb down the rope and shoot the 3 targets through the windows. Proceed around the wall and enter the structure, hugging the wall to climb down the ladder. Shoot the target that appears and head left. Throw a flashbang into the next room and shoot the two targets within. See Go left through the doorway and shoot the targets in front of you and to your right. Turn left, throw a flashbang into the next room and shoot both targets within. Without entering the room, exit the mock structure to the right sprinting, following the arrows on the floor to the finish line. I don’t think you get anything special for completing it at the best IW time, so its up to you if you want to try for it. When you’re done, approach the team by the monitors to receive your new briefing. You will now get to choose the difficulty you want to play the game at.

Call of Duty 4 Game Guide / Walkthrough

With permission from the original author, I am bring you the best Call of Duty 4 guide on the net.

This guide is huge, and as such will be edited quite a bit in order to be read well on our site. This will also allow easy modification when the faq changes, as they are wont to do. We’ll start with the the easy stuff, like the training mission, and build on that.

Should there be any questions, please feel free to use the comments.

When this is all said and done, we’ll have a nice index and table of contents to put up, to make it all nice and proper!

Here goes…

Legal info:

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.


Call of Duty 4 Enemy Intel Guide

I must say that I’ve been very impressed with the skyrocketing growth of Mahalo lately.

I was going to make a nice big guide with screenshots and the whole 9 yards about all of the Enemy Intels in Call of Duty 4, but it looks like Mahalo beat me to it, but not only that, they have videos of every enemy intel in all of CoD4!

At any rate, click here to follow along with the Call of Duty 4 Enemy Intel videos.

UPDATE – CoD4 1.2 Patch Released

Call of Duty 4 has been updated once again – another fast update for this very popular game.

The official forum thread is at the Infinity Ward forum, but you can click on this link to simply download the file.

Addressed in this update – left/vertical lean offset glitch, and files have been modified in order to prepare for future mods – good to see them thinking ahead already as many players are still whining about non-issues like sniper rifles and such. This patch also includes the 1.1 update which addressed issues that had users losing ranks, profiles and XP when switching from ranked to un-ranked or modded servers.
No apparent issues with the CoD4 1.2 patch yet – I’m keeping my ears to the ground.