An easy way to tweak UT3 is by using the Unreal Tournament III Tweaker
Here are the release notes for version three (linked for download above):
B3.0 – obbing disable/enable
Stop your weapon bouncing around
3.0 – Center your aim
be default the aim is slightly off to the right or left depending on if your right or left handed. now you will hit bang in the middle
3.0 – Control blood level and gore
increase or decrease the amount of blood and gore in game
3.0 – replace videos
for whatever reason.. yu can now restore the videos
3.0 – Comprehensive backup system
Backs up all of the ini files one by one or all at the same time. same applies to restoring them
3.0 – Strong Language control
Disable Profanity
3.0 – FSAA
FSAA is available for users who have vista, and an nvidea card with compatible drivers
3.0 – Max Graphics settings completely reworked
many new graphics tweaks added to this version of UT3 Tweaker
3.0 – Best performance settings
Ideal if you have an older system. this turns down the eye candy so your system doesnt come to a grinding halt
2.1 – 5 new crosshair colours added
– with a picture preview
2.1 – The ability to reset the resource directory
install or uninstall
The application has been built into an installer. you can choose if you would like an icon placed on your desktop, and it can be uninstalled from either your programs menu from start, or from add and remove programs from control panel.
no longer do you have to select the ini files.
the application will detect your directory and ask you to confirm that it is right, and store it. that way if you use the program in the future, you wont have to do it again.
Better backup/restore
with this application advancing on to other ini files, you can now select which files to backup, and which ones to restore independantly. the backup wizard will run on its first use, and you can run it at anytime from the menu.
Crosshairs Tweaked
The ability to change your crosshair between the default white and green. more colours will be added to future releases
Change the language of the game
now you can change the language of the game to either
The forever lasting movies
At a click of a button you can remove the videos which play at the start of the game
Graphics Tweaker
Get the eye candy your after. providing you have a tidy graphics card, it’l give you the textures youve been waiting for

before and after the graphics tweak


++++++++++++ Version in development. ++++++++++++++
many new features to follow:
mouse sensitivity and speed
screen resolutions
unlock all characters
Toolkit for troubleshooting crashing games
Graphics card specific tweaks