Call of Duty 4 Cheats – Unlock All Ranks and Perks

Unlock everything easily!

Well someone was bound to do it…

The memory address that contains the CoD4 XP has been located, and you can now modify it, making leveling up a much faster and easier process. This means that you can easily get the Commander Rank within a few hours of buying the game, and you can unlock all perks and weapons.

The memory address needed is: CBF0E68

You can use a tool such as Tsearch to edit the value of that address (your XP), so that you’ll only need one XP to get to the new CoD 4 rank.

Here’s how: open Tsearch, start a new script, enter the memory address, then enter in the XP you would like. Keep in mind – you’ll want to back up your Call of Duty 4 profile just in case something goes wrong – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! They also give you tips on what not to do which can prevent you from losing all of your saved data.

More details: if you just want to quickly go up a level, take your current XP from the Rank screen in the multiplayer mode, then add the amount of XP you will need to go up a level. You’ll want to subtract one or two XP in order to make it easy to gain a level. Then, go online and kill someone, or get an assist – BAM! – instant level up, and possibly a new rank.

Overkill perk, here you come!

Seriously, though, I tested this method, and found it much more enjoyable to play through multiplayer the real way – it’s more of a challenge, and fun!

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  1. I’m not going to use this, but I see nothing wrong with it. I think it is better to earn what you get. At the same time, who cares? It’s just a game. The people who use this will still be at their true skill level and will die and live just as long, and much as before, I’m sure. However, some people do not care about being the best of the best and just want to play and have fun, without all of the hassle or time that it may take to rank up and receive all of the rewards and such…See you all on the battlefield!

  2. well..
    start cod4, then alt-tab to tsearch, load the sw3mp.exe (or whatever cod4 mp is called) and then click on the little zoom glass below it..
    type in your experience ( watch it in challenges&ranks (?) ) and search for it..
    then look for CBF0E68 on the left side, double click it and then edit the VALUE on the right (F2 when u clicked it) and type in the experience you want to have (best: 1 experience less than you actually need till next level).
    press enter, alt tab to cod4 and in your challenges&ranks you should see you only need 1 more exp point πŸ™‚
    join a ranked server, score 1 point (take that fat machien gun, fire until you hit an enemy once and wait till you get assist if you cant score)
    bam, levelup πŸ™‚
    i found out for myself that i wasnt able to change exp ingame (while playing) but between 2 maps or in the menu

    hope i helped

    cu πŸ™‚

  3. hi i did it , it worked smoothly ty. anyone know the adress of any challenges (for example i am interested in getting the tiger camouflage and that needs asome expert challenge of 25 headshots on that weapon and i have about 15 so i understand it has the value of 15 stored somewhere and that could change to 24 so i only have to take 1 more).

  4. What I really want are completed accomplishments with all the weapons so I can unlock all the special camo skins and golden guns…

  5. If you want to use all weapons earlier in the game, check this out;

    Thursday, November 15, 2007

    Unlock All Weapons, Highest level + All Challenges
    Every Unlock, Highest Rank & All Challenges Complete in 5 MINUTES!!!


    When you get to number 3 below make sure you change the key IN GAME or else it will not work (eg, don’t use the registry).

    KEY CODE: DL2J-8PY4-4Q22-GE48-88D2

    1) Load up the game and create a brand new character
    2) Go to Options>Multiplayer Options>CD-Key (change it to the key listed above)
    3) Exit game and navigate to your COD4 folder and find the newly created character from step #1 and open it up and replace the mpdata with the one posted earlier. You can find the character here – C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare\players\profiles
    4) Open the game, you will now have all unlocks and be at lvl55 & commander! That took 2 minutes!
    5) Now go to Options>Multiplayer Options>CD-Key (change the key back to your original cd-key)
    6) Create your own server with a password and start a map, play for a bit so it saves your data, either finish the round or just exit after playing for a couple minutes. Now your good to go!

    If you want the orginal name you used when you made the game for your player simply go ingame and hit the ~ key on the left of the keyboard. Then enter “/name thenameyouwant” without quotes and hit enter.

    WARNING: If you don’t do step #6 and just quit the game after changing the key back to your original, the next time you load up the game you will get an error saying the data is corrupt.

  6. Right listen you little fucking girls, we all searched the same thing and ended up here, so not one of you can comment this moaning you got what you wanted. If you dont know how to do it dont reply with a snotty message you fucking girls

  7. If you guys like it somuch to level up and to achieve things then go play a bloody mmorpg. Fps is supposed to be about skill not time spent.

    I just want to have fun without getting kicked in the ass by players who aren’t better but have the better equip.

    Btw. After cheating to level 55 I started kicking other level 55’s asses which wasn’t possible at level 1.

  8. i didnt actually search this, nd i reckon half the ppl in htis forum didnt so stop trying 2 sound brainy, but all u fags who try it, i agree u still play like noobs

  9. it is my game and my computer so i will do whatever i like “mr look and see”

    check this site as well all mem adresses are here
    Assault Rifles
    CBF21A0 M16 Marksman
    CBF21A4 M16 Expert
    CBF21A8 AK47 Marksman
    CBF21AC AK47 Expert
    CBF21B0 G3 Marksman
    CBF21B4 G3 Expert
    CBF21B8 M4 Marksman
    CBF21BC M4 Expert
    CBF21C0 M14 Marksman
    CBF21C4 M14 Expert
    CBF21C8 G36c Marksman
    CBF21CC G36c Expert
    CBF21D0 MP44 Expert

    CBF21F0 MP5 Marksman
    CBF21F4 MP5 Expert
    CBF21F8 Skorpion Marksman
    CBF21FC Skorpion Expert
    CBF2200 Mini-Uzi Marksman
    CBF2204 Mini-Uzi Expert
    CBF2208 AK47u Marksman
    CBF220C AK47u Expert
    CBF2210 P90 Marksman
    CBF2214 P90 Expert

    CBF2240 SAW Marksman
    CBF2244 SAW Expert
    CBF2248 RPD Marksman
    CBF224C RPD Expert
    CBF2250 M60 Marksman
    CBF2250 M60 Expert

    CBF2290 W1200 Marksman
    CBF2290 W1200 Expert
    CBF2290 M1014 Marksman
    CBF2290 M1014 Expert

    Sniper Rifles
    CBF22E0 M21 Marksman
    CBF22E4 M21 Expert
    CBF22E8 M40 Marksman
    CBF22EC M40 Expert
    CBF22F0 Dragunov Marksman
    CBF22F4 Dragunov Expert
    CBF22F8 R700 Marksman
    CBF22FC R700 Expert
    CBF2300 Barret Marksman
    CBF2304 Barret Expert

  10. wow you people are stupid, i personally dun think it matters with skill if you get all the unlocks but i defenitly want this hack, casue i was rank lvl 34 and i had to install on a diff comp, and didnt have any of my unlocks on my sn, so now i have to start all over again, so fuck that, i need this hack. also iv done everything im supose to, i typed in the value cb0368 and then froze it. then i changed the value to 29 sinc ei have 0 xp, and i killed someone and it did absolutly nothing, gave me 5 xp and thats it says i still have 25 to go….. what did i do wrong?

  11. lol, y dont you try the easy way. note you will need another computer with cod4 installed. setup the lan server on teh other pc then join it and just go round and keep killin the guy standin there, c it aint that hard is it.

  12. can someone upload a rank 55 profile with all challenges, camos, guns and stuff like that? This would make it easier because as far as i know i have no idea what the memory address for 1.3 is.

  13. Yep it worked just fine just type your current xp on t search in 4 bits after adding the game and then check how many xp u need for next lvl then do “Currentxp + xp needed for next level – 5” and modifie the value by presing enter .. And tada.. Thx for the coments who sended me the solution.. And seriously pissed off people are just dickhead they have great weapons and are proud to kill people with m16

  14. I used this to help a buddy who’s son deleted his ID with him at level 35, he used this to get back to level 35 and is playing on from there. Still missing the challenges he had completed along the way but they will come as he moves forward. Thanks!

    As far as using it as a cheat goes, to each thier own. If you don’t like it don’t do it, if you get a thrill from cheating your way to the top go for it.

    No reason to make yourself look like an idiot by calling people names over cheating in a damn game guys. Odds are those who cheat on a game will smile at you as they serve you your burger at McDs or you will see them on a documentary from inside a prison since cheating eventually catches up with them in real life.

  15. a very very easy way to exp is the following

    join an internet server with 20 or more people in

    but the game type must be ” FREE FOR ALL ”

    JUST stay on a spot near to your spawn and start shooting

    an lmg swuits better i suppose :))))

    looking forward to your replys on this one :))))

  16. lol man, i joined a 50 player free for all and i got 20 lvl in a snap i’ve even got 250 kills in one map.

  17. in multiplayer click mod then launch. after u will see the ern in modern crossed like normal except u can play with all the weapons.Happy Christmas Cheating!!!

  18. Just because we search for easier ways to get the weapons doesn’t mean you’re better then us. Just means you weren’t smart enough to figure this out on your own. FKN twats.

    And if you are so l33T why are you searching for this anyways ? How did you get here if you are so good? All you guys baggin on the people looking to try this are hypocrites and retards. Eat me

  19. Yes it does work on 1.3, You’re doing it wrong πŸ™‚

    And not directed at you but the other people who claim this is seem by punkbuster and how you lost all your stats? You’re retarded if you don’t see that this is not a game cheat but just a way to get everything int he game without wasting your time. Its just a game and you all should just relax…Go outside and play or something.

  20. Trying to enter code to disable nukes flying in the air. but I’ve been in every room and not one area lets me input the code.


  21. I’m using patch 1.454 and the iw3mp is not visable in the process list any thoughts?/ideas?


    (I wasn’t very far [staff srgt] but lost my files so it started me back at the private!!!)

    Any help would be great

  22. Who cares what people do with THEIR own game. It’s not like they owe you guys anything for buying it. Shit if they want to up thier XP to get more guns let them and be happy people want to play this game.

    I love the online play personally but it would get pretty boring if the fire power wasn’t the same as everyone elses.

    I’m lvl 55 and there are still guys out there lvl 33 or even just below me that shoot the shit out me all the time. ranking up doesn’t make y ou a better player…Playing does.

    The key word is play…Game. And like Haha said above, its funny to hear people shitting on others on a thread that they had to search for COD4 hacks or cheats or Game saves. Then more then likely when they tried to do this themselves (if they already haven’t) and failed they take theor anger out of those who managed to make it work.

    All this shit talking needs to go back to CS and stay out of other games, childish asshats

  23. I lost my profile because I got a new PC, reformatted my old hard drive and used it as a secondary entirely unaware that this piss-poor game store my ranks on my hard drive unlike every other ranked game on the market, where they are stored on a server so they cannot be hacked. So now I either hack or don’t play.

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