Unreal Tweaker 3.5 Released – Make UT3 Faster!

Download Unreal Tweaker 3.5

EDIT: The source site appears to be down right now, but you can download UT3Tweaker 3.5 from Blandname!

Release notes:

Enhanced Graphics controls
Greater Control over the graphics tweaks has been added, allowing you to tick to enable or disable individual settings which are relevant to the Graphics.

Whats the point of trying to tweak if you do not understand what the values mean? we at Biopaparat appreciate it can be a little daunting at first, which is why we have included a Glossary to explain what the graphics tweaks do.

World Detail slider bar decreasing no more!
We found the bug which was causing the world detail bar to decrease in game. this has now been ammended so please feel free to apply “Max Graphics settings” without effecting the World Detail.

The Application also detects your current settings.
somthing of which was causing confusion in version 3.0. before you would make changes, save them and close the program, and when you relaunched the application, they would no loinger be ticked, even though the changes were still applied. With the release of Version 3.5 it will detect all of your settings, including the colour of your crosshairs for example, and adjust the GUI of the application accordingly

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