Call of Duty 4 Unlockables

Here is the list of unlockable items in CoD4 (Call of Duty 4 via weapon challenges and such):

1 All Starting Equipment
2 Demolitions Class (Shotgun)
3 Sniper Class (Sniper Rifle)
5 Gun Challenges
6 New Playlists
7 M40 (Sniper Rifle)
8 Last Stand (Perk 3)
9 Boot Camp Challenges pt 1
10 M4 Carbine (Assault Rifle)
11 UAV Jammer (Perk 2)
13 Mini Uzi (Sub Machine Gun)
14 Bomb Squad (Perk 1)
15 Boot Camp Challenges pt 2
16 M1911 .45 (Pistol)
17 Martyrdom (Perk 2)
18 Boot Camp Challenges pt 3
19 M60E4 (Light Machine Gun)
20 Sleight of Hand (Perk 2)
21 Operations Challenges
22 Dragunov (Sniper Rifle)
23 Claymore (Perk 1)
24 Operations Challenges pt 2
25 G3 (Assault Rifle)
26 Iron Lungs (Perk 3)
27 Operations Challenges pt 3
28 AK-47u (Sub Machine Gun)
29 Double Tap (Perk 2)
30 Killer Challenges
31 M1014 (Shotgun)
32 Bandolier (Perk 1)
33 Killer Challenges pt 2
34 R700 (Sniper Rifle)
35 Eavesdrop (Perk 3)
36 Killer Challenges pt 3
37 G36C (Assault Rifle)
38 Overkill (Perk 2)
39 Killer Challenges pt 4
40 P90 (Sub Machine Gun)
41 3 Frags (Perk 1)
42 Humiliation Challenges
43 Desert Eagle (Pistol)
44 Dead Silence (Perk 3)
45 Humiliation Challenges pt 2
46 M14 (Assault Rifle)
47 Humiliation Challenges pt 3
48 Humiliation Challenges pt 4
49 Barret .50 cal (Sniper Rifle)
50 Humiliation Challenges pt 5
51 Elite Challenges
52 MP44 (Assault Rifle)
53 Elite Challenges pt 2
54 Elite Challenges pt 3

Modding CoD4

Modding Call of Duty 4 is not as easy as modding other versions, but here are some tips to get you started if you never done it before.

First off, in order to get into the IWD files, you simply need to rename them to have a .ZIP extension, and open them in WinRAR, WinACE or 7zip. Alternatively, I found that associating all of the files to WinRAR, then opening the Main folder in WinRAR, I was able to select all of the IWD files and extract them to a new location so I could play with them.

In order to open the IWI files that you get after extracting the IWD files, you can convert them to DDS by using this IWI to DDS converter.

The cfg files that you have extracted are plain text and easy to edit.

Once you are done modding, you can repack the files as a ZIP file – just make a new archive, and specify the name to be the same as before, for example:  C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare\main\iw_00.iwd would be  “”. Once the new archive is made, change the extension to IWD, the reload the Call of Duty 4 server.

Call of Duty 4 List of Unlocked Perks


Perk 1:

  • C4 x2
  • Special Grenades
  • RPG-7 x2
  • Claymore x2
  • Frag x3 – Unlocked at Colonel I (Lv41)
  • Badolier – Unlocked at Captain I (Lv32)
  • Bomb Squad

Perk 2:

  • Stopping Power
  • Juggernaut
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Double Tap – Unlocked at (Lv29)
  • Overkill – Unlocked at (Lv38) – Lets you carry two primary weapons!
  • UAV Jammer
  • Sonic Boom

Perk 3:

  • Extreme Conditioning
  • Steady Aim
  • Last Stand
  • Martyrdom
  • Deep Impact
  • Iron Lungs
  • Dead Silence – Unlocked at (Lv44)
  • Eavesdrop – Unlocked at (Lv35)

Call of Duty 4 Unlocked Weapons List

Assault Rifles:

  • M16A4
  • AK-47
  • M4 Carbine
  • G3
  • G36C – Unlocked at Lieutenant Colonel (Lv37)
  • M14 – Unlocaked at Major General (Lv46)
  • MP44 – Unlocked at General (Lv52)

Sub Machine Guns:

  • MP5
  • Shorpion
  • Mini-Uzi
  • AK-74u – Unlocked at 1st Lieutenant (Lv28)
  • P90 – Unlocked at Colonel (Lv40)

Light Machine Guns:

  • M249 SAW
  • RPD
  • M60E4


  • W1200
  • M1014 – Unlocked at Captain (Lv31)

Sniper Rifles:

  • M40A3
  • M21
  • Dragunov
  • R700 – Unlocked at Major (Lv34)
  • Barrett .50cal – Unlocked at General (Lv49)

VMware: Workstation, ACE, Player, Server releases

From the VMware blog:
Workstation 6.0.1, ACE 2.0.1, and Player 2.0.1 have all been released. These updates address security issues, introduce new functionality, and broaden guest OS support, including experimental support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Server 2008 (code name Longhorn).In addition, Workstation 5.5.5, ACE 1.0.4, Player 1.0.5, and Server 1.0.4 have also been released. These updates address security and functionality issues.”

This is interesting because there are new versions of products to talk about, along with new features.

What really made US happy, was seeing that security is still a concern on older releases – specifically VMware Workstation 5.5 (now 5.5.5), which many developpers use to this day for many reasons.

VMware Releases VI3 Perl Toolkit Virtual Machine

Recent stock market darling VMware has just released a Perl toolkit for it’s Virtual Infrastructure virtualisation product, as well as a Perl toolkit virtual machine that you can download for free to play around with.

VMware describes the toolkit as “an easy-to-use Perl scripting interface to the VMware Infrastructure API (VI API). Administrators and developers who may be more familiar with Perl (rather than with Java, C#, or other programming languages) can readily leverage the VI API. For developers who have previously worked with the Scripting API (VmPerl API), the VI Perl Toolkit is the tool of choice.”

An example VI3 Perl script,, can be downloaded at the VMware forums site. Perf allows you to measure the performance of your virtual machines running on ESX 2.x or 3.x servers during a specified period of time.

Citrix to Announce XenSource Purchase

The Register is reporting that Citrix will be letting everyone know tomorrow that it plans to acquire XenSource tomorrow.

This doesn’t come as much of a surprise as we know Citrix has been looking long and hard at a virtualization platform.

While this seems to be a very good move on behalf of Citrix, it remains to be seen what the fate of the open source Xen project will be.

As predicted, 2007 is shaping up to be the year of the virtual machine with Microsoft, SWSoft, EMC/VMware and now Citrix ready and set to keep spending and marketing this paradigm.

Set Vista Display Preferences Without a Monitor

It happens, you enable a display mode that doesn’t work properly and you can no longer see a display on your screen.

Luckily Microsoft Windows Vista has a low-resolution boot mode you can access by press F8 as Windows Vista loads that will allow you to boot into 600×400, then set the video back to a more reasonable setting.

But if you feel like doing this without rebooting, want to impress you friends, or if you don’t want to loose work you had open, do the following:


  1. Hit the Windows key and M in order to minimize all windows.

  3. Right click your mouse button.

  5. Press the up arrow, then enter. This brings up the personalize applet.

  7. Press the tab key, then press the down arrow 6 times, and press enter. This will bring up the “Display Preferences” applet.

  9. Press tab, then press the left arrow a few times, then enter. This should apply a more standard resolution, and you should now be able to see your desktop again.